Now, I did warn you guys and gals up front that the majority of these entries were going to be for karaoke bars. I suppose this one isn't going to be any different, so I'm going to skip talking about other aspects about the Cal Neva such as their slots, gaming tables or restaurants. The focus of this particular entry is for their karaoke only.
Titan and I have been semi-regulars there since we moved here and discovered that the Cal Neva does karaoke Thursdays - Sundays from 8pm to 1pm or there abouts depending on how busy it is.
The very first time we went there we were accepted not only by the KJ, Darren, but by the crowd. On any given night the majority of the crowd is comprised of locals with a smattering of tourists. And on the majority of nights, be they week day or weekend, are super busy. If you want to get in more than one or two songs, be sure to be there early. Otherwise, forget it. Cal Neva karaoke is VERY popular.
Not only do they have an amazing song list (as most of the karaoke bars in the vicinity do), their drink specials are unmatched in the downtown Reno area. Where else could one possibly get $1 tall cans of Budweiser or Twisted Tea? Of course, I don't drink, but Titan does and for him it is usually these dollar beverages or double Whiskey and Diet Coke which for $4.25 (I believe) is not bad, either.
Darren is a super nice guy and has an amazing voice. He is really accommodating to the singers providing chairs to those who may need one and gently reminding people that they can't bring drinks to the stage or take the wireless mic off the stage. One thing I would like to see for his show is music in between singers, like filler music - NOT that multi-song crap that some places play. The silence in between songs is sometimes deafening. In addition, I would love to see Darren get a little more engaged with the crowd. Sometimes he'll remind the crowd to take care of the bartenders and the dealers, but not often. Energy is sometimes lacking otherwise, LOVE Darren to death!
Sound is good although due to it being a casino environment the sound cannot be as loud as either I or Darren would like. There is a stage monitor which is awesome because otherwise I don't believe that anyone would be able to hear the music being projected outward. I guess the pit bosses don't like to hear super drunk people try to sing horrible country songs.. lol..
They have a regular sized stage that they used to have live shows perform on. I remember when I was in my younger days seeing all sorts of live shows on that stage. The stage really gives the performance a "real" feel so how one entertains the crowd is up to them. I usually find some way to engage the crowd in one way or another. It's truly fun, but makes me nervous sometimes.
So, if you're in the area, you should certainly come down to the Cal Neva, have a drink and sing a song with Titan and me. You won't regret it.
Overall, I give karaoke at the Cal Neva:
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Thursday, December 19, 2013
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Faces Nightclub - Sacramento
So, on that same Sacramento trip when Titan and I went to the Distillery, we also went to Faces which was located a block away. So, we walked.
Faces is not just a karaoke bar, but an actual nightclub and one of the best ones in Sacramento. It's been around forever it seems, just like the Distillery. There is a video bar where DJs play and mix music videos for patrons to dance to. There is a back room that is lined with several mirrors and a booth for different DJs to play music for the dancing masses. Off of that is a back patio for those who smoke. Several years ago California passed a no smoking law. The front room was where karaoke was held.
It is a really nice room although not the best for hosting karaoke. The fireplace is a nice touch, though, especially during the cooler weather. Out of the doors off that room was another smoking patio (pictured above).
Howard the KJ is one of the best I have ever sang with. He keeps his rotations is good order and is fair when it comes to adding new singers, even those who show up in the middle of the evening. I was not surprised to see how many people were there even for a Monday evening. The song selection was excellent and the sound was great for the room.
Garrett, the bartender, was awesome. He continued to fill my soda glass (always the driver am I) without me even asking (or charging me). He was very attentive to Titan. And, Garrett even moved our glasses down after some people usurped our chairs. Drink prices were just about the same as other places in downtown although higher than what we're used to. Otherwise, the patrons were very friendly, and overall this was the most amazing karaoke I had been to in a while.
Overall, I give Faces Nightclub:
Faces is not just a karaoke bar, but an actual nightclub and one of the best ones in Sacramento. It's been around forever it seems, just like the Distillery. There is a video bar where DJs play and mix music videos for patrons to dance to. There is a back room that is lined with several mirrors and a booth for different DJs to play music for the dancing masses. Off of that is a back patio for those who smoke. Several years ago California passed a no smoking law. The front room was where karaoke was held.
It is a really nice room although not the best for hosting karaoke. The fireplace is a nice touch, though, especially during the cooler weather. Out of the doors off that room was another smoking patio (pictured above).
Howard the KJ is one of the best I have ever sang with. He keeps his rotations is good order and is fair when it comes to adding new singers, even those who show up in the middle of the evening. I was not surprised to see how many people were there even for a Monday evening. The song selection was excellent and the sound was great for the room.
Garrett, the bartender, was awesome. He continued to fill my soda glass (always the driver am I) without me even asking (or charging me). He was very attentive to Titan. And, Garrett even moved our glasses down after some people usurped our chairs. Drink prices were just about the same as other places in downtown although higher than what we're used to. Otherwise, the patrons were very friendly, and overall this was the most amazing karaoke I had been to in a while.
Overall, I give Faces Nightclub:
Distillery - Sacramento
Recently, Titan and I took a trip to Sacramento, Ca. It was the first out-of-town trip that we had taken together and we went with the sole purpose of going to sing. We had done some research and found the Distillery. I do not believe that this bar is related in any way to Davidson's Distillery in Reno.
The Distillery is located in downtown Sacramento at 20th and L streets. We walked in and took a seat at the bar. The bartender, Alice, was raving excitedly about a group of people she had in earlier. Apparently, their friends was on Jeopardy that evening and had won the final round even though all the contestants got the answer wrong. Good for him!
The atmosphere was really pleasant. The room was large and divided by a half wall. When we got there it was dead, but that was to be expected on a Monday evening. Even though karaoke started later than advertised and caused a minor irritation among Titan and me, once it got started it was fine.
The song selection was fairly typical of other karaoke bars we had been to. They had all of our regular songs and the sound was decent. In a room such as that it is difficult to get the sound quality to be good although there were a few things that could have been done to tweak it a little to make it sound better.
Really, the only complaint that I had about the evening was that the KJ, a guy, was rather unfriendly. I had given him a half dozen songs and said that he could choose whatever song he wanted. He replied that he wasn't going to dictate what I sang. Wow. That's the first time that a KJ wouldn't play along with me.
The bartender had served free quesadillas earlier in the evening. They were really good and it was a great treat. Drink prices were a bit on the high side, but typical of downtown Sacramento. Patrons were really friendly and came up to Titan and I on a few occasions to tell use how much they liked our songs and how well they thought we sang. It's always nice to get a compliment from a perfect stranger. Both the bartender and the KJ invited us to come back anytime.
Overall I give the Distillery:
The Distillery is located in downtown Sacramento at 20th and L streets. We walked in and took a seat at the bar. The bartender, Alice, was raving excitedly about a group of people she had in earlier. Apparently, their friends was on Jeopardy that evening and had won the final round even though all the contestants got the answer wrong. Good for him!
The song selection was fairly typical of other karaoke bars we had been to. They had all of our regular songs and the sound was decent. In a room such as that it is difficult to get the sound quality to be good although there were a few things that could have been done to tweak it a little to make it sound better.
Really, the only complaint that I had about the evening was that the KJ, a guy, was rather unfriendly. I had given him a half dozen songs and said that he could choose whatever song he wanted. He replied that he wasn't going to dictate what I sang. Wow. That's the first time that a KJ wouldn't play along with me.
The bartender had served free quesadillas earlier in the evening. They were really good and it was a great treat. Drink prices were a bit on the high side, but typical of downtown Sacramento. Patrons were really friendly and came up to Titan and I on a few occasions to tell use how much they liked our songs and how well they thought we sang. It's always nice to get a compliment from a perfect stranger. Both the bartender and the KJ invited us to come back anytime.
Overall I give the Distillery:
Spiro's Spirals Downward
So Titan and I were looking for a new place to sing karaoke last night. Something a bit closer to home. The first place we found that had advertised karaoke actually closed before 11pm on a Friday night. Okay, no matter. So, we went to our second choice. Spiro's Sports Bar and Grille in Sparks, NV. Please keep in mind that when I rate bars, it is from the perspective of their karaoke for the most part. That is usually what Titan and I go for.
Honestly, this place needs to decide if they are going to be a sports bar or a karaoke bar. It has a better chance at remaining a sports bar. There were several televisions to watch sports of all kind although the only thing on at that time of night were the recaps from several previous events. There were plenty of slot machines on the bar with which to lose copious amounts of money.
The bar itself was fairly nice and the space itself was decent. There was a second room in the back that had pool tables which no one was using. I probably would have played a game or two if I wasn't waiting with baited breath to sing.
We didn't get there until about 11pm and it took us a bit to figure out where there books were. They were hard to see because the artist and title sections made up about a half inch total in book space. Their only brand of songs were Monster Hits, which are one of the poorest quality brands of karaoke songs available on the market.
After about five minutes of looking through this pamphlet of songs we each chose a song and waited patiently to sing. When we got there it was fairly busy. Typical of most bars on a weekend night. And we waited.
Sometime around 1130 they began to play a string of really terrible Top 40 songs including that ubiquitous "Cupid Shuffle" which seems to be a favorite among many. Titan and I personally cannot stand the song, but suffered through listening to it in the assumption that they were taking a short break from singing and then moving on. After a half hour or so of this crappy music they finally began the singers again.
Now, I have been singing karaoke for over 15 years and I can honestly say that this KJ was one of the worst I had ever seen. Not only did she not put new singers (Titan and me) into the rotation before the dreaded music break, she didn't allow new singers to sing after the break. After the break it was the top of the rotation, and we watched every singer who we had heard sing continue to sing. An hour and a half went by and still we hadn't gotten to sing. We decided to leave with a very bitter taste in our mouths and mind.
Not only did we not get to sing, I began to get a headache due to the intense nature of the treble in the microphone that the KJ didn't seem to notice. And speaking of the KJ, she was the single most unfriendly person I had ever been in contact with. She gave blank looks to Titan and when I went finally give my song slip, she took it without a single word. There was no welcoming words of any kind from either her or the bar staff.
The blond working behind the bar must have been having a bad night. Either that, or we weren't the type of people to be patronizing the bar. True, it was filled with a bunch of younger jock types, but so?
This bar's only saving grace was the male bartender whose name we didn't get. He was attentive and smiled. He didn't sneer when I told him I was only drinking water because I was the driver. They also have happy hour from midnight to 4am where it appears that the drinks are half price. Titan told me that the drinks the blond was making before midnight tasted like they had no alcohol in them. After midnight with the guy they were half the price and actually tasted like there was alcohol in them. Shouldn't they taste the same no matter who pours?
I usually tell people that I am willing to try anything twice. In the case of Spiro's, I will never be visiting this place ever again for karaoke. And since I am not a huge sports fan, I do not foresee going there for anything.
Overall I give Spiro's Sports Bar and Grille:
And honestly I feel that is very generous.
Honestly, this place needs to decide if they are going to be a sports bar or a karaoke bar. It has a better chance at remaining a sports bar. There were several televisions to watch sports of all kind although the only thing on at that time of night were the recaps from several previous events. There were plenty of slot machines on the bar with which to lose copious amounts of money.
The bar itself was fairly nice and the space itself was decent. There was a second room in the back that had pool tables which no one was using. I probably would have played a game or two if I wasn't waiting with baited breath to sing.
We didn't get there until about 11pm and it took us a bit to figure out where there books were. They were hard to see because the artist and title sections made up about a half inch total in book space. Their only brand of songs were Monster Hits, which are one of the poorest quality brands of karaoke songs available on the market.
After about five minutes of looking through this pamphlet of songs we each chose a song and waited patiently to sing. When we got there it was fairly busy. Typical of most bars on a weekend night. And we waited.
Sometime around 1130 they began to play a string of really terrible Top 40 songs including that ubiquitous "Cupid Shuffle" which seems to be a favorite among many. Titan and I personally cannot stand the song, but suffered through listening to it in the assumption that they were taking a short break from singing and then moving on. After a half hour or so of this crappy music they finally began the singers again.
Now, I have been singing karaoke for over 15 years and I can honestly say that this KJ was one of the worst I had ever seen. Not only did she not put new singers (Titan and me) into the rotation before the dreaded music break, she didn't allow new singers to sing after the break. After the break it was the top of the rotation, and we watched every singer who we had heard sing continue to sing. An hour and a half went by and still we hadn't gotten to sing. We decided to leave with a very bitter taste in our mouths and mind.
Not only did we not get to sing, I began to get a headache due to the intense nature of the treble in the microphone that the KJ didn't seem to notice. And speaking of the KJ, she was the single most unfriendly person I had ever been in contact with. She gave blank looks to Titan and when I went finally give my song slip, she took it without a single word. There was no welcoming words of any kind from either her or the bar staff.
The blond working behind the bar must have been having a bad night. Either that, or we weren't the type of people to be patronizing the bar. True, it was filled with a bunch of younger jock types, but so?
This bar's only saving grace was the male bartender whose name we didn't get. He was attentive and smiled. He didn't sneer when I told him I was only drinking water because I was the driver. They also have happy hour from midnight to 4am where it appears that the drinks are half price. Titan told me that the drinks the blond was making before midnight tasted like they had no alcohol in them. After midnight with the guy they were half the price and actually tasted like there was alcohol in them. Shouldn't they taste the same no matter who pours?
I usually tell people that I am willing to try anything twice. In the case of Spiro's, I will never be visiting this place ever again for karaoke. And since I am not a huge sports fan, I do not foresee going there for anything.
Overall I give Spiro's Sports Bar and Grille:
And honestly I feel that is very generous.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Now For Review: Rail City Casino (Sparks)
Ah, Rail City Casino. When I was a kid it was called the Plantation. I can remember going there once for a family breakfast. Back then, it wasn't so great. That I'll admit up front. However, times have changed and so has the establishment that has now been transformed into Rail City Casino. It's been that for a while now... Anyway, onto the review. I won't get into too many specifics as they can be found on their website. (Hint: Click the above picture to view the website.) :)
Open 24/7. Located on Victorian Ave just off of the Prater exit on I-80. Home to many penny slots as well as all the usually priced slot machines. My favorite is the Ghostbusters penny slot located in the corner. I personally won the mini jackpot (all of $14 and change) a few weeks ago. It's always fun to try my luck at any of these machines.
Restaurants include the Ale House and the Rail City Cafe. Both have excellent service and the food is a far cry better than when the building was the Plantation. The cafe has monthly specials, usually for around $5. And with the right player's card, breakfast including two pancakes, two eggs and two strips of bacon can be yours for a mere $2.22. here. The cafe is open 24/7 except for the first Sunday of the month when they do their deep cleaning. The Ale house is open from 11am to close. Their website doesn't exactly state when "closing" time is.. lol. But, the food is excellent. Don't forget to check out their buffet! The absolute least expensive anywhere! More information on Rail City's restaurants can be found here.
On the other side of the casino lies the table games which consist mainly of Blackjack, my personal favorite. The dealers are friendly, fun, and have a great sense of humor. I definitely recommend stopping by some time for a $3 or $5 game. They also boast live Texas Hold 'em Poker for those who want to get their game on. More information can be found here.
Overall, from their rewards program to their staff, to their food, Rail City is definitely a place to visit for good fun and food.
So, considering atmosphere, staff, food, games etc and comparing them with other casinos in the Reno/Sparks area I give Rail City Casino:

On the other side of the casino lies the table games which consist mainly of Blackjack, my personal favorite. The dealers are friendly, fun, and have a great sense of humor. I definitely recommend stopping by some time for a $3 or $5 game. They also boast live Texas Hold 'em Poker for those who want to get their game on. More information can be found here.
Overall, from their rewards program to their staff, to their food, Rail City is definitely a place to visit for good fun and food.
So, considering atmosphere, staff, food, games etc and comparing them with other casinos in the Reno/Sparks area I give Rail City Casino:
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
First Review - 5 Stars for The 5 Star Saloon (Karaoke Night)
For the first review of this new blog I have decided to go with somewhere I am familiar with. Somewhere fun, somewhere really great. The 5 Star Saloon.
The 5 Star is one of the oldest (if not the oldest) bars in downtown Reno. It is located on West Street right off First Street and just a stone's throw from Java Jungle and the Truckee River. When walking down the street this bar may not be too noticeable at first with only a sign above the door to let people know its existence.
Upon entry, there is a hallway that leads directly to the sound booth. Turn your head to the right and you'll notice a good sized dance floor with a stage that contains not one, but two stripper poles. (I've used those a few times while singing in order to make sure I don't fall over.. lol!) If you turn your head to the left, you'll notice a long primary bar where all manner of drinks are created and served. From Angry Balls to Budsweiser on draft, from chilled Jager to Black Opals, AMF, and anything else your imagination could possibly want, you can find it here. Except for Midori. I didn't see any Midori the last time I was there. :(
And, across from the main bar is a nice metal cage that people can dance in if they so choose. Toward the back of the bar is a pool table and a secondary bar for those really busy evenings on the weekends. Comfy chairs can be found near the cage and there is ample seating at the bar. Rainbow flags proudly line the ceiling behind the bar, and mirrors line the wall of the dance floor.
On the weekends the 5 Star has various events going on including a drag show, which I haven't had the chance to attend yet, but hope to soon, and live DJs spinning all sorts of ear candy for those who enjoy dancing.
In addition to various bar crawls such as the Zombie Crawl, Santa Crawl and Pirate Crawl, the 5 Star also engages in the monthly wine walks. Several bars in the downtown area participate in this event and it is really one that should not be missed.
My favorite aspect of this bar is the karaoke. There is really nothing else like it anywhere that I have found in the Reno or Sparks area. Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evening beginning at 10pm KJ Ricky Rick hosts the best karaoke in town. What makes this so different from other places?
Each night the bartender on duty picks between 12 and 16 different artists ranging from Top 40 to oldies, rock, and R&B. Sing a song by a chosen artist and get a FREE drink from the bartender. (Limit one per hour.) I believe that last time I got a free drink from the bar I sang "Ghost in You" by Psychedelic Furs. :)
In addition to the opportunity for free drinks by singing, after each song the singer get to pick a plastic egg out of the bin at the Ricky Rick's booth. In them are free bar tabs which may include $25 bar tabs, buy one get one free, bartender's choice and even the time Titan picked 3 Free Drinks on his first song. The rest of the eggs contain blank tickets for a chance to win a $100 bar tab. As soon as they reach 100 entries, they pull the winner. Must be present to win, which sucks because I think that between Titan and I we probably had about 20 entries in there alone and weren't able to be there for the drawing. No matter. Singing is what is really fun for us. Not only are the drink specials really great, the song selection is amazing. If there is something that Ricky Rick doesn't have, he attempts to find it online for you. As for the crowd, the people there are fun, friendly and very accepting. It is sometimes nerve wrecking to sing in a new place, and I didn't really have any anxiety the first time I went. It was wonderful.
So go ahead, be brave and visit somewhere that is a bit unconventional, but everso amazingly fun!
I give the 5 Star Saloon:
The 5 Star is one of the oldest (if not the oldest) bars in downtown Reno. It is located on West Street right off First Street and just a stone's throw from Java Jungle and the Truckee River. When walking down the street this bar may not be too noticeable at first with only a sign above the door to let people know its existence.
Upon entry, there is a hallway that leads directly to the sound booth. Turn your head to the right and you'll notice a good sized dance floor with a stage that contains not one, but two stripper poles. (I've used those a few times while singing in order to make sure I don't fall over.. lol!) If you turn your head to the left, you'll notice a long primary bar where all manner of drinks are created and served. From Angry Balls to Budsweiser on draft, from chilled Jager to Black Opals, AMF, and anything else your imagination could possibly want, you can find it here. Except for Midori. I didn't see any Midori the last time I was there. :(
And, across from the main bar is a nice metal cage that people can dance in if they so choose. Toward the back of the bar is a pool table and a secondary bar for those really busy evenings on the weekends. Comfy chairs can be found near the cage and there is ample seating at the bar. Rainbow flags proudly line the ceiling behind the bar, and mirrors line the wall of the dance floor.
On the weekends the 5 Star has various events going on including a drag show, which I haven't had the chance to attend yet, but hope to soon, and live DJs spinning all sorts of ear candy for those who enjoy dancing.

My favorite aspect of this bar is the karaoke. There is really nothing else like it anywhere that I have found in the Reno or Sparks area. Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evening beginning at 10pm KJ Ricky Rick hosts the best karaoke in town. What makes this so different from other places?
Each night the bartender on duty picks between 12 and 16 different artists ranging from Top 40 to oldies, rock, and R&B. Sing a song by a chosen artist and get a FREE drink from the bartender. (Limit one per hour.) I believe that last time I got a free drink from the bar I sang "Ghost in You" by Psychedelic Furs. :)

So go ahead, be brave and visit somewhere that is a bit unconventional, but everso amazingly fun!
I give the 5 Star Saloon:
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Good morning, afternoon, or evening! And, welcome to the newest addition to my family of blogs. This page is currently under construction, so you might see some layout changes etc. for a while, but that won't stop me from bringing you reviews of local bars, nightclubs, restaurants, music, and so much more! I don't think that this will be updated on a scheduled basis, but whenever I happen to be out and about and visit one of Reno's gems.
Of course, this won't be limited to just Reno. Sparks, Carson City, Fallon, Gardnerville, Lake Tahoe and beyond are all up on the proverbial block.
So please join me. Subscribe, leave comments, good or bad, if it pleases you. But most of all, have fun with it. If there is a specific place or whatnot that you would like my opinion on, please feel free to let me know. (Hint: leave a comment in any of these entries.) And, I'll get to it ASAP. I hope that this will become something that many follow. So please be a doll and click that little "g" button wherever it is. Yeah, that's the spot! ;~)
There is one friend of mine who has been dying for me to review his latest album due out soon if it hasn't already come out. So be prepared!
I hope to have pictures of the places I review and usually they'll be taken by yours truly, but sometimes I forget my camera so I'll borrow yours. If you see a pic on this blog that you own and would like me to take down, just say so. I'm easy like that.
Without a further waste of your time, I bring you my reviews. Oh, and I think I need a catchy name for this blog, so if you have any clever ideas, I'm all ears!
Reno native
Of course, this won't be limited to just Reno. Sparks, Carson City, Fallon, Gardnerville, Lake Tahoe and beyond are all up on the proverbial block.
So please join me. Subscribe, leave comments, good or bad, if it pleases you. But most of all, have fun with it. If there is a specific place or whatnot that you would like my opinion on, please feel free to let me know. (Hint: leave a comment in any of these entries.) And, I'll get to it ASAP. I hope that this will become something that many follow. So please be a doll and click that little "g" button wherever it is. Yeah, that's the spot! ;~)
There is one friend of mine who has been dying for me to review his latest album due out soon if it hasn't already come out. So be prepared!
I hope to have pictures of the places I review and usually they'll be taken by yours truly, but sometimes I forget my camera so I'll borrow yours. If you see a pic on this blog that you own and would like me to take down, just say so. I'm easy like that.
Without a further waste of your time, I bring you my reviews. Oh, and I think I need a catchy name for this blog, so if you have any clever ideas, I'm all ears!
Reno native
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